“A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Woman in white suit and blazer

Dr. Jessica Dupont, ND

Naturopathic Doctor, Women’s Health Strategist, and Birth Doula

On a mission to empower women worldwide to take control of their health, Dr. Dupont is reinventing how women experience their bodies and dispelling myths around their health.

Dr. Jessica Dupont is a Naturopathic Doctor, Women’s Health Strategist, Birth Doula, Mother, Author, and Public Speaker. She maintains a natural medical practice specializing in Women’s Health and Hormones with a concentration in functional medicine, detoxification, fertility, pregnancy, Endometriosis, PCOS, and menstrual cycle irregularities. 

She aspires to help women realize their optimal potential and bring balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually by supporting their bodies with proper nourishment and an ideal mindset at all stages of their lives. She integrates conventional medical research with alternative medicine giving women a unique approach to their health so they can get to the root cause of their concerns.

Outside of the clinic, Dr. Jessica teaches the Naturopathic Doula Course to associate Naturopathic Doctors across North America and the UK, is founder of Naturopathic Doula Group, and is the Creator of noteworthy online fertility programs. Dr. Jessica also works in Corporate settings, optimizing the health and nutrition of all employees to enhance performance in the workplace. For Corporate Health info, please email dr.jess.dupont@gmail.com.

*Dr. Jessica Dupont is the founder and CEO of an online platform supporting other Naturopathic Doctors, Birth Workers, women, and children through various health programs.

*Connect with Dr. Dupont through her social media platforms @DrJessicaDupont. Check out her new blog “Beauty and the Babe”, focused on beauty inside and out for moms (or moms to be) and babies and everything in between.

To learn more about her major services including Endocrinology (Hormones), Infertility and Doula Services, please click here.


Dr. Jessica obtained her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine after completing a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours in Biopharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research in Breast Cancer with the Faculty of Medicine at University of Ottawa. Additional professional certifications include Biotherapeutic Drainage (Detoxification),  Doula Training, Mesotherapy/Biopuncture, Biolinguistic Kinesiology, and Cosmetic Acupuncture.

Dr. Jessica has worked alongside Dr. Antonio Kos, MD (Timmins, ON), Dr. Peter D`Adamo, ND (Best-selling author of Eat Right for Your Type and creator of Blood Type Diet), Dr. Ginger Nash, ND., Dr. James S. Sensenig, ND., Dr. Jared Skowron, ND (author of Fundamentals of Naturopathic Pediatrics) and Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND (Founder of FIMAfrica, Kenya, Africa). She has treated alongside FIMAfrica, a charitable organization that provides alternative healthcare via mobile clinics to underprivileged communities in Kenya, and has also treated the Aboriginal Community at the Anishnawbe Health Toronto clinic in Toronto, ON.

Some fun facts: Dr. Jessica is a plant-based foodie (ask her anything about nutrition and she is a never-ending source of amazing alternatives and recipes), she used to be an actress on TV (yes, in a past lifetime), she is the mother of two adventurous boys who keeps her on her toes, and her one thing she can’t do without is her morning Matcha tea latte with oat milk and honey (check her recipe in her blog). Oh! She has also supported over 400 women through childbirth as a doula in Toronto.

When not busy in the clinic, Dr. Jessica enjoys spending time in nature, meditating, staying active and doing yoga, watching movies and sharing precious time with her family and Rhodesian Ridgeback, Maple. She also embraces her artistic side and enjoys painting, art, acting and singing. She fundraises for numerous children and animal charities and lives by the Truth that we have to be the change we want to see in the world.


Dr. Jessica Dupont is an active member in good standing of the following professional organizations:

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)

Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)

Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND)

Pediatrics Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PedANP)

Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND)

Dr. Jessica has published articles for the CAND’s National Journal, The Vital Link, and writes regularly for EcoParent Magazine and other popular health blogs.

“There is a wisdom inherent in nature that guides the body’s process of self healing “

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Principles and Philosophies

Naturopathic Medicine is a holistic approach to Healthcare, and offers Primary Care Services guided by these fundamental treatment principles and philosophies:

·       Thou shall not do harm

·       Thou shall identify and treat the Cause of the disease, instead of suppress its symptoms

·       Thou shall heal the Whole person through Individualized treatment in all health dimensions

·       Thou shall incorporate interventions that maintain health and Prevent illness

·       Thou shall support the Healing Power of Nature and nourish the body`s self-healing process

Naturopathy is a distinct Primary Healthcare System that incorporates traditional medicinal knowledge and current Evidence Based Research. As Naturopaths, we identify Disease as a process, as opposed to an entity, and recognize that symptoms and signs of disease are a way of telling us that our bodies are imbalanced and not functioning optimally. We recognize that every body is different, and requires their own, individualized care to restore balance so that the natural healing process can work effectively. Individualized treatment is based on the patient`s physiological, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, environmental and lifestyle factors.

Naturopathic Physicians

Naturopathic Doctors receive a minimum of seven years of specialized study. After completing an Undergraduate degree and fulfilling medical and science pre-requisite courses, they must complete a comprehensive four-year naturopathic medical program at an accredited school. Naturopathic Doctors are regulated in Ontario and must successfully complete provincial examinations before being licensed.

As naturopathic doctors, we do a thorough history and conduct appropriate physical examinations as appropriate standards of practise. Comprehensive laboratory testing and diagnostic imaging will also be considered in order to confirm diagnosis. Previous medical reports and test results from other healthcare providers should be brought to your ND in order to better understand your current situation.

The Healing Power of Nature

There is a wisdom inherent in nature that guides the bodies process of self healing. This is achieved only through the balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms of health. When the body is disharmonized, equilibrium and the self-healing process can be restored via natural therapies that respect the laws of nature, strengthen the body’s natural defences, and promote vitality.

Modalities and Therapies

Conditions Treated

  • Pre-conception Health

  • Infertility (Male & Female factor). Learn more here…

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Menstrual Irregularities, Cysts and Fibroids

  • Thyroid Disorders

  • Menopause

  • Weight Loss

  • Liver Health

  • Gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Anti-aging

  • Stress Management

  • Others: Skin health (acne, psoriasis, eczema), Childhood (ADD/ADHD), Immune system (Acute/Chronic viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune conditions), Metabolic Disorders (Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood pressure concerns), Mood disorders.

Treatments + Modalities employed

Any one or a mixture of the following modalities are employed in treatment:


Botanical (Herbal) Medicine

Ever wonder how your ancestors treated their ailments? Plants contain a variety of medicinal constituents that Naturopaths utilize to treat disease and aid in healing. The therapeutic components of plants have been used for thousands of years and can be used raw, in the form of teas, extracts, lotions, supplements and others to help the body strengthen and heal.


Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine

Asian Medicine is an ancient therapy utilizing such techniques as acupuncture/acupressure, cupping, moxabustion, herbs and diet therapy to restore balance of Yin/Yang of the 5 basic Organ Systems of the body. Essentially, complete health is restored when all organ systems are balanced and in neither excess or deficiency states. The Organs are represented along meridians throughout the body, and acupuncture works to stimulate these channels in order to treat the excess or deficiency. Acupuncture is also used from a Western Medicine point of view for chronic pain by increasing circulation to the area, relaxing tight muscles, and breaking up adhesions/scar tissue.


Clinical Nutrition + Supplementation

Nutritional counselling is not just about putting the right fuel into your body. It is about optimizing your individual needs through the proper amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals for your demands. Your nutrition plan is focused on assisting with correcting imbalances and restoring a healthy terrain to fight off unwanted warriors (i.e. bacteria and viruses).


Lifestyle + Counselling

Health is not only defined by one’s physical state but also their mental, emotional and spiritual well being. We recognize the link between physical and mental/emotional and treat the cause. Ranging from stress to severe depression, various mental states can dramatically affect your physical health and vice versa. We treat the WHOLE person by identifying risk factors and providing recommendations to help optimize all dimensions of health. Counselling, education, and tools are provided to empower the patient to guide them on their healing journey.


Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine uses the fundamental principle that “like cures like” to treat a variety of conditions. By exposing a patient to diluted concentrations of various substances, Homeopathy works at an energetic level to stimulate the body’s natural healing ability. Single remedies, complex remedies, or Biotherapeutic Techniques may be prescribed. Pregnant women and children respond really well to these types of remedies.


Laboratory Testing + Physical Examinations

Naturopathic doctors assess your health via laboratory testing and physical exams to gain insight on what is happening at an organic level. As your primary healthcare provider, we perform regular blood work and also test for additional items such as Food Sensitivities, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Hormone Panels and the function of individual organs if needed.