hormones & women’s health
Dr. Jessica’s clinical focus is hormone regulation for conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, PMS, Menopause, Infertility, Irregular Menses, Stress/Adrenal Fatigue, & Thyroid Disorders. Picture your hormones as an intricate spiders web. If you pluck the web at one end, the entire web shakes. As it is with your hormones. If one hormone is imbalanced, the entire endocrine (hormonal) system shifts. Dr. Jessica will get to the root of your concern and heal from within, so you can finally move forward in harmony with your hormones.
fertility services
There is no such thing as “unexplained” infertility. If there’s an imbalance, we will find it. It is critical to determine the root cause of your fertility concerns, whether it be PCOS, Endometriosis, age-related, male-related, stress, heavy metal, etc. I work with both male and female partners as it is critical that both partners health is equally optimized, and the environment in which the body exists (i.e. heavy metal burden, toxin exposure, emotional states, nutritional status, inflammation, age and other lifestyle factors) are considered. By addressing the environment, we increase success rates, optimize the quality of egg and sperm, reduce risk of miscarriage and can reduce risk & disease of your future child by setting a good foundation. Please click here for more information on our Fertility Program + IUI/IVF Support Program.
doula services
Dr. Jessica is a trained and experienced birth professional who assists women & couples before, during, and after childbirth, providing evidence based information, physical assistance (pain management), and emotional support utilizing Naturopathic modalities. Whether in a hospital setting or home birth, with an OB or a Midwife, doulas are welcomed as part of your birth team. Please click here to learn more about our Doula Services.